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Mugensha Thatre Company Sponsorship&Director&Actor

So-un Kotakebayashi

@First of all, theatre must be a DELIGHT [omoshiroi].
Omoshiroi means that your view lightens up
[omo=the front side of/ face of, shiroi=be white].
"Your view lightens up," means you open your eyes wide. "You open your eye wide," means you are surprised.
"Surprise" is a shock, which could be caused by destruction, betrayal, delight, etc.
In other words, it happens when you are forced with something nobody has ever experienced before.
And it is intense. THEATRE [engeki] is made up of two words, [en=act] and [geki=extreme].
It may also be interpreted as "to feel the intensity from the acting"
"Intensity" reminded me of something. I?fll take you away from the subject "theatre" for a little while...
About 16 years ago a huge star [the mass of this star was approximately 50 times that of the sun, 5000
times that of the earth] in the Magellan nebula exploded.
This explosion released the sun's lifetime worth of energy in just 10 seconds.
Also, it shrunk the size of the star to 10 km in diameter. The mass of this star is unbelievable;
a 1cm cube would be the same as 10 Mt. Fujis, which is approximately 10 billion tons.
It also spins a lot more now; 3000 spins per second. What an extreme intensity!!!
So why do people go to see the theatre. Is it to get away from daily life, to find LIFE,
to see others suffer, or to kill time? I'm sure there are many reasons,
but I believe that all want stimulation.
We want to shock the people who come to see our presentation, stir up their feelings, provoke, destroy,
awaken, and shake up their ideas from the root.
The infinite time and space sent from the world yet to be seen;
at times it would soar to the above, and at other times it would dive deep down below.
It may be vulgar, it may be pure, it may be awkward, and it may be abundant.
It's multiple, it's layered, and it's full of variety.
Also... Hurt, fear, hesitation, shame, arrear, and joy...
I want to create a theatre that would easily incorporate all of these themes within the moments of the stage.
We, the theatrical company MUGENSHA, as a Japanese and as an Asian,
aim to become a world-class theatrical organization.
That is why we have obtained the basics of Japanese traditional culture.
To make something new from the traditional culture that we have acquired and combining "the wild" with
"the tradition","the East" and "the West",
and exploring the unseen world without losing the impartial field of vision that pierces
through the whole world...THAT is our aim.


Copyright (C) 2009 MUGENSHA Theatre Company. All Rights Reserved.
